Preparations for Śrī Rāma’s installation as the Prince Regent of Ayodhyā; the god’s concern over the same and their approaching Goddess Sarasvatī for help


saba kēṃ ura abhilāṣu asa kahahiṃ manāi mahēsu.
āpa achata jubarāja pada rāmahi dēu narēsu..1.. [2-1]

All cherished in their heart a common desire and said in their prayer to the great Lord Śiva, “Would that the king in his own life-time appointed Śrī Rāma as his regent.”


ēka samaya saba sahita samājā. rājasabhāom raghurāju birājā..
sakala sukṛta mūrati naranāhū. rāma sujasu suni atihi uchāhū.. [2-1-1]
nṛpa saba rahahiṃ kṛpā abhilāṣēṃ. lōkapa karahiṃ prīti rukha rākhēṃ..
tibhuvana tīni kāla jaga māhīṃ. bhūri bhāga dasaratha sama nāhīṃ.. [2-1-2]
maṃgalamūla rāmu suta jāsū. jō kachu kahija thōra sabu tāsū..
rāyaom subhāyaom mukuru kara līnhā. badanu bilōki mukuṭa sama kīnhā.. [2-1-3]
śravana samīpa bhaē Sītā kēsā. manahu jaraṭhapanu asa upadēsā..
nṛpa jubarāja rāma kahu dēhū. jīvana janama lāhu kina lēhū.. [2-1-4]

One day the Chief of Raghus sat with all his court in the state assembly hall. Himself the embodiment of all virtues, the king was overjoyed to hear of Śrī Rāma’s fair renown. Every monarch solicited his favour, and the very guardians of the world cultivated his friendship while respecting his wishes. In all the three spheres of the universe and in all time-past, present or future-none could be found so abundantly blessed as Daśaratha. Of him who had for his son Rāma, the root of all bliss, whatever might be said would fall short of the truth. The king casually took a mirror in his hand and looking at his face in the mirror, set his crown straight. The hair beside his ears had turned grey; it seemed as if old age were whispering into his ears, “O king, make Rāma your regent and thereby realize the object of your life and birth in this world.”


yaha bicāru ura āni nṛpa sudinu suavasaru pāi.
prēma pulaki tana mudita mana gurahi sunāyau jāi..2.. [2-2]

Entertaining this idea in his mind and finding an auspicious day and a suitable opportunity the king communicated it to his Guru (Vasiṣṭha) with his body thrilling over with emotion and his mind filled with rapture.


kahai bhuālu sunia munināyaka. bhaē rāma saba bidhi saba lāyaka..
sēvaka saciva sakala purabāsī. jē hamārē ari mitra udāsī.. [2-2-1]
sabahi rāmu priya jēhi bidhi mōhī. prabhu asīsa janu tanu dhari sōhī..
bipra sahita parivāra gōsāīṃ. karahiṃ chōhu saba raurihi nāī.. [2-2-2]
jē gura carana rēnu sira dharahīṃ. tē janu sakala bibhava basa karahīṃ..
mōhi sama yahu anubhayau na dūjēṃ. sabu pāyau raja pāvani pūjēṃ.. [2-2-3]
aba abhilāṣu ēku mana mōrēṃ. pūjahi nātha anugraha tōrēṃ..
muni prasanna lakhi sahaja sanēhū. kahēu narēsa rajāyasu dēhū.. [2-2-4]

Said the king, “Listen, O chief of sages: Rāma is now accomplished in everyway. Servants and ministers, nay, all the people of the city and others who are either my enemies or friends or neutrals hold Rāma as dear as I do. It seems your benediction itself has incarnated in his lovely form. What more, my lord, all the Brāhmaṇas and their families cherish the same love for him as you do. Those who place on their head the dust from the Guru’s feet acquire mastery as it were over all fortune. No one has realized it as I have done; I have obtained everything by adoring the holy dust from your feet. Now there remains only one longing in my heart and that too will be realized by your grace, my lord.” The sage was delighted to perceive his artless devotion and said, “O king, give me your commands.”


rājana rāura nāmu jasu saba abhimata dātāra.
phala anugāmī mahipa mani mana abhilāṣu tumhāra..3.. [2-3]

“O king, your very name and glory grant all one’s desires. The object of your heart’s desire, O jewel of monarchs, is accomplished even before you entertain the desire.”


saba bidhi guru prasanna jiyaom jānī. bōlēu rāu rahaomsi mṛdu bānī..
nātha rāmu kariahiṃ jubarājū. kahia kṛpā kari karia samājū.. [2-3-1]
mōhi achata yahu hōi uchāhū. lahahiṃ lōga saba lōcana lāhū..
prabhu prasāda siva sabai nibāhīṃ. yaha lālasā ēka mana māhīṃ.. [2-3-2]
puni na sōca tanu rahau ki jāū. jēhiṃ na hōi pāchēṃ pachitāū..
suni muni dasaratha bacana suhāē. maṃgala mōda mūla mana bhāē.. [2-3-3]
sunu nṛpa jāsu bimukha pachitāhīṃ. jāsu bhajana binu jarani na jāhīṃ..
bhayau tumhāra tanaya sōi svāmī. rāmu punīta prēma anugāmī.. [2-3-4]

When the king was assured in his heart of the Guru being so favourably disposed in everyway, he cheerfully said in gentle tones, “My lord, let Rāma be invested with regal powers; pray, command me so that necessary preparations may be set on foot. Let this happy event take place during my life-time so that all people may attain the reward of their eyesight. By the Lord’s blessing Śiva has allowed everything to pass smoothly; this is the only longing that I have in my mind. Then I will not mind whether this body survives or not, so that I may not have to repent afterwards.” The sage was pleased to hear these agreeable words of Daśaratha, which were the very fountain of felicity and joy. He said, “Listen, O king: aversion to Śrī Rāma makes one repent, while His adoration is the only means of soothing the agony of one’s heart; nay, He follows like a shadow where there is unadulterated love; the same Lord Śrī Rāma has been born as a son to you.”


bēgi bilaṃbu na karia nṛpa sājia sabui samāju.
sudina sumaṃgalu tabahiṃ jaba rāmu hōhiṃ jubarāju..4.. [2-4]

“O king, let there be no delay, and make every preparation quickly. That day itself is auspicious and full of blessings, when Rāma it proclaimed regent.”


mudita mahipati maṃdira āē. sēvaka saciva sumaṃtru bōlāē..
kahi jayajīva sīsa tinha nāē. bhūpa sumaṃgala bacana sunāē.. [2-4-1]
jauṃ pāomcahi mata lāgai nīkā. karahu haraṣi hiyaom rāmahi ṭīkā.. [2-4-2]
maṃtrī mudita sunata priya bānī. abhimata biravaom parēu janu pānī..
binatī saciva karahi kara jōrī. jiahu jagatapati barisa karōrī.. [2-4-3]
jaga maṃgala bhala kāju bicārā. bēgia nātha na lāia bārā..
nṛpahi mōdu suni saciva subhāṣā. baḍhata bauṃḍa janu lahī susākhā.. [2-4-4]

The king returned rejoicing to his palace and summoned his servants and counsellors including Sumantra. They bowed their heads saying, “Victory to you may you live long;” and the king placed before them the most auspicious proposal. “If this proposal finds favour with you all, instal Śrī Rāma on the throne with a cheerful heart.” The counsellors were glad to hear these agreeable words, which fell like a shower on the young plant of their desire. The ministers prayed with joined palms: “May you continue to live for millions of years, O sovereign of the world. You have thought out a good plan which is a source of happiness to the whole world; therefore, lord, make haste and lose no time.” The king was pleased to hear the encouraging words of the ministers; it looked as if a growing creeper had obtained the support of a strong bough.


kahēu bhūpa munirāja kara jōi jōi āyasu hōi.
rāma rāja abhiṣēka hita bēgi karahu sōi sōi..5.. [2-5]

Said the king, “Whatever orders the great sage Vasiṣṭha may be pleased to give in connection with Śrī Rāma’s coronation should be promptly carried out.”


haraṣi munīsa kahēu mṛdu bānī. ānahu sakala sutīratha pānī..
auṣadha mūla phūla phala pānā. kahē nāma gani maṃgala nānā.. [2-5-1]
cāmara carama basana bahu bhāomtī. rōma pāṭa paṭa aganita jātī..
manigana maṃgala bastu anēkā. jō jaga jōgu bhūpa abhiṣēkā.. [2-5-2]
bēda bidita kahi sakala bidhānā. kahēu racahu pura bibidha bitānā..
saphala rasāla pūgaphala kērā. rōpahu bīthinha pura cahu phērā.. [2-5-3]
racahu maṃju mani caukēṃ cārū. kahahu banāvana bēgi bajārū..
pūjahu ganapati gura kuladēvā. saba bidhi karahu bhūmisura sēvā.. [2-5-4]

The great sage Vasiṣṭha gladly said in soft accents, “Fetch water from all principal sacred places.” And then he enumerated by name a number of auspicious objects such as herbs, roots, flowers, fruits, leaves, chowries, deerskins, and draperies of various kinds including countless varieties of woollen and silken textiles, jewels and numerous other articles of good omen which were considered useful in this world for the coronation of a king. Detailing all the procedure laid down in the Vedas he said, “Erect canopies of all sorts in the city and transplant in the streets on all sides trees of the mango, arecanut and plantain with fruits. Paint beautiful designs on the floors filling them with costly jewels and tell the people to decorate the bazar promptly. Worship Lord Gaṇeśa and your preceptor as well as the tutelary deity and render service in every form to the Brāhmaṇas, the very gods on earth.”


dhvaja patāka tōrana kalasa sajahu turaga ratha nāga.
sira dhari munibara bacana sabu nija nija kājahiṃ lāga..6.. [2-6]

“Prepare flags and banners, festal arches and vases as well as horses, chariots and elephants.” Bowing to these orders of the great sage (Vasiṣṭha) all concerned applied themselves to their own work.”


jō munīsa jēhi āyasu dīnhā. sō tēhiṃ kāju prathama janu kīnhā..
bipra sādhu sura pūjata rājā. karata rāma hita maṃgala kājā.. [2-6-1]
sunata rāma abhiṣēka suhāvā. bāja gahāgaha avadha badhāvā..
rāma sīya tana saguna janāē. pharakahiṃ maṃgala aṃga suhāē.. [2-6-2]
pulaki saprēma parasapara kahahīṃ. bharata āgamanu sūcaka ahahīṃ..
bhaē bahuta dina ati avasērī. saguna pratīti bhēṃṭa priya kērī.. [2-6-3]
bharata sarisa priya kō jaga māhīṃ. ihai saguna phalu dūsara nāhīṃ..
rāmahi baṃdhu sōca dina rātī. aṃḍanhi kamaṭha hradau jēhi bhāomtī.. [2-6-4]

With whatever duty the great sage charged any man, the latter accomplished it so promptly as if it had been done by him beforehand. The king adored Brāhmaṇas, holy men and gods, and performed auspicious rites for the sake of Śrī Rāma’s welfare. As soon as the delightful news of Śrī Rāma’s installation reached the ears of the people, the whole of Ayodhyā resounded with festal music. Good omens manifested themselves in the person of Śrī Rāma and Sītā; Their graceful lucky limbs began to throb. Experiencing a thrill of joy they lovingly said to one another, “The omens prognosticate Bharata’s return. Many days have passed and our heart longs to meet him. Auspicious omens assure us of our meeting with a beloved friend, and in this world there is no one so dear to us as Bharata; the good omens can thus have but one meaning.” Śrī Rāma anxiously remembered His half-brother (Bharata) day and night, even as a turtle has its heart fixed on its eggs.


ēhi avasara maṃgalu parama suni rahaomsēu ranivāsu.
sōbhata lakhi bidhu baḍhata janu bāridhi bīci bilāsu..7.. [2-7]

That very time the ladies of the palace were delighted to hear this most auspicious news, even as the waves of the ocean commence their lovely sport on perceiving the waxing moon.


prathama jāi jinha bacana sunāē. bhūṣana basana bhūri tinha pāē..
prēma pulaki tana mana anurāgīṃ. maṃgala kalasa sajana saba lāgīṃ.. [2-7-1]
caukēṃ cāru sumitrāom purī. manimaya bibidha bhāomti ati rurī..
ānaomda magana rāma mahatārī. diē dāna bahu bipra haomkārī.. [2-7-2]
pūjīṃ grāmadēbi sura nāgā. kahēu bahōri dēna balibhāgā..
jēhi bidhi hōi rāma kalyānū. dēhu dayā kari sō baradānū.. [2-7-3]
gāvahiṃ maṃgala kōkilabayanīṃ. bidhubadanīṃ mṛgasāvakanayanīṃ.. [2-7-4]

Those who broke the news were richly rewarded with ornaments and costumes. With their body thrilling over with emotion and heart full of rapture all the queens started preparing festal vases. Queen Sumitrā painted with coloured meal lovely diagrams in various charming designs and filled them with jewels. Overwhelmed with delight Śrī Rāma’s mother (Kausalyā) summoned the Brāhmaṇas and loaded them with gifts. She worshipped village deities and other gods and Nāgas and vowing them further offerings said to them, “In your mercy grant me a boon which may ensure Śrī Rāma’s welfare.” Moon-faced and fawn- eyed ladies sang festal strains in a voice as sweet as the notes of a cuckoo.


rāma rāja abhiṣēku suni hiyaom haraṣē nara nāri.
lagē sumaṃgala sajana saba bidhi anukūla bicāri..8.. [2-8]

Men and women rejoiced in their heart to hear of Śrī Rāma’s installation on the throne; and thinking God to be favourably disposed towards them all began to make preparations.


taba naranāhaom basiṣṭhu bōlāē. rāmadhāma sikha dēna paṭhāē..
gura āgamanu sunata raghunāthā. dvāra āi pada nāyau māthā.. [2-8-1]
sādara aragha dēi ghara ānē. sōraha bhāomti pūji sanamānē..
gahē carana siya sahita bahōrī. bōlē rāmu kamala kara jōrī.. [2-8-2]
sēvaka sadana svāmi āgamanū. maṃgala mūla amaṃgala damanū..
tadapi ucita janu bōli saprītī. paṭhaia kāja nātha asi nītī.. [2-8-3]
prabhutā taji prabhu kīnha sanēhū. bhayau punīta āju yahu gēhū..
āyasu hōi sō karauṃ gōsāī. sēvaka lahai svāmi sēvakāī.. [2-8-4]

The king then called Vasiṣṭha and sent him to Śrī Rāma’s apartments for tendering opportune advice. The moment the Lord of Raghus, Śrī Rāma, heard of the Guru’s arrival, He repaired to the door and, bowed His head at his feet. Reverently offering him water to wash his hands with He ushered the sage and paid him honour by worshipping him in the sixteen prescribed modes.* Then clasping his feet with Sītā, Śrī Rāma spoke with His lotus palms joined in prayer, “A master’s visit to his servant’s house is the root of all blessings and a panacea for all evils; yet it would have been more fitting, my lord, for the master to have lovingly sent for the servant and charged him with a duty; for such is the right course. Since, however, my lord has laid aside his authority and showed his affection to me (by calling on me) my house has been hallowed today. I am ready to do what I am bid, holy sir; for a servant is benefited only by serving his master.”

  • * The sixteen modes of worship prescribed in Tantric works consist in offering the following:ó(1) Āsana (seat), (2) Pādya (water for washing the feet), (3) Arghya (water for washing the hands), (4) Ācamanīya (water to drink), (5) Snānīya (water for ablution), (6) Gandha (sandal-paste), (7) Vastra (raiment), (8) Puṣpa (flowers), (9) Dhūpa (burning incense), (10) Dīpa (light), (11) Naivedya (food), (12) Ācamanīya (water for rinsing the mouth), (13) Tāmbūla (betel-leaves), (14) Dakṣiṇā (a gift in coins), (15) Pradakṣiṇā (circumambulation), and (16) Nīrājana (waving lights).


suni sanēha sānē bacana muni raghubarahi prasaṃsa.
rāma kasa na tumha kahahu asa haṃsa baṃsa avataṃsa..9.. [2-9]

On hearing these words, steeped in affection as they were, the sage applauded the Chief of Raghus, Śrī Rāma, and said, “It is but meet, O Rāma, that you should say so, the ornament of the solar race that you are.”


barani rāma guna sīlu subhāū. bōlē prēma pulaki munirāū..
bhūpa sajēu abhiṣēka samājū. cāhata dēna tumhahi jubarājū.. [2-9-1]
rāma karahu saba saṃjama ājū. jauṃ bidhi kusala nibāhai kājū..
guru sikha dēi rāya pahiṃ gayau. rāma hṛdayaom asa bisamau bhayaū.. [2-9-2]
janamē ēka saṃga saba bhāī. bhōjana sayana kēli larikāī..
karanabēdha upabīta biāhā. saṃga saṃga saba bhaē uchāhā.. [2-9-3]
bimala baṃsa yahu anucita ēkū. baṃdhu bihāi baḍaēhi abhiṣēkū..
prabhu saprēma pachitāni suhāī. harau bhagata mana kai kuṭilāī.. [2-9-4]

Extolling Śrī Rāma’s goodness, amiability and noble disposition, the lord of sages, Vasiṣṭha, said, thrilling over with emotion, “The king has made preparations for the installation ceremony; he would invest You with regal powers. Rāma, You should observe religious austerity today so that God may bring this affair to a happy conclusion.” Having admonished Him in this way the Guru returned to the king; while Śrī Rāma felt uneasy in His heart and said to Himself, “My brothers and myself were all born together and together have we dined, slept and played in our childhood; the piercing of our ear-lobes, (one of the sixteen sacraments incumbent on a Hindu), our investiture with the sacred thread, wedding and all other ceremonies have been gone through together. The only unseemly practice in this spotless line is that the eldest should be installed on the throne to the exclusion of his younger brothers.” May this loving and graceful expression of regret on the part of the Lord drive away all suspicion from the mind of His devotees.


tēhi avasara āē lakhana magana prēma ānaṃda.
sanamānē priya bacana kahi raghukula kairava caṃda..10.. [2-10]

On that very occasion came Lakṣmaṇa steeped in love and rapture; Śrī Rāma, who delighted Raghu’s race even as the moon delights a lily flower, greeted him with endearing words.


bājahiṃ bājanē bibidha bidhānā. pura pramōdu nahiṃ jāi bakhānā..
bharata āgamanu sakala manāvahiṃ. āvahu bēgi nayana phalu pāvahiṃ.. [2-10-1]
hāṭa bāṭa ghara galīṃ athāī. kahahiṃ parasapara lōga lōgāī..
kāli lagana bhali kētika bārā. pūjihi bidhi abhilāṣu hamārā.. [2-10-2]
kanaka siṃghāsana sīya samētā. baiṭhahiṃ rāmu hōi cita cētā..
sakala kahahiṃ kaba hōihi kālī. bighana manāvahiṃ dēva kucālī.. [2-10-3]
tinhahi sōhāi na avadha badhāvā. cōrahi caṃdini rāti na bhāvā..
sārada bōli binaya sura karahīṃ. bārahiṃ bāra pāya lai parahīṃ.. [2-10-4]

There was a sound of music of various kinds, and the rejoicing in the city was beyond words. All prayed for Bharata’s return (from his maternal uncle’s) and said to one another, “Would that Bharata came with expedition and obtained the reward of his eyes.” In every bazar, street, house, lane and place of resort men and women talked to one another, “When will that blessed hour start tomorow; during which God will fulfil our desire, when with Sītā beside Him Śrī Rāma will take His seat on the throne of gold and when the object of our desire will be accomplished?” They all said, “When will the morrow come?” While the wicked gods prayed that some trouble might brew in the meantime. The rejoicing that was going on in Ayodhyā did not please them even as a moonlit night is not liked by a thief. Invoking Śāradā the gods supplicated her and laying hold of her feet fell at them again and again.


bipati hamāri bilōki baḍai mātu karia sōi āju.
rāmu jāhiṃ bana rāju taji hōi sakala surakāju..11.. [2-11]

“Perceiving our grave calamity, O Mother, manipulate things in such a way today that Śrī Rāma may retire into the forest, relinquishing His throne, and the object of us immortals may be wholly accomplished.”


suni sura binaya ṭhāḍhai pachitātī. bhaiu sarōja bipina himarātī..
dēkhi dēva puni kahahiṃ nihōrī. mātu tōhi nahiṃ thōriu khōrī.. [2-11-1]
bisamaya haraṣa rahita raghurāū. tumha jānahu saba rāma prabhāū..
jīva karama basa sukha dukha bhāgī. jāia avadha dēva hita lāgī.. [2-11-2]
bāra bāra gahi carana saomkōcau. calī bicāri bibudha mati pōcī..
ūomca nivāsu nīci karatūtī. dēkhi na sakahiṃ parāi bibhūtī.. [2-11-3]
āgila kāju bicāri bahōrī. karahahiṃ cāha kusala kabi mōrī..
haraṣi hṛdayaom dasaratha pura āī. janu graha dasā dusaha dukhadāī.. [2-11-4]

Hearing this prayer of the divinities goddess Śāradā stood still and was grieved at the thought that she was going to play the same role with reference to the people of Ayodhyā as a wintry night does with respect to a bed of lotuses. Seeing her downcast the gods spoke again in a suppliant tone, “Mother, not the least blame will attach to you; for the Lord of Raghus is above sorrow and joy alike. You are fully acquainted with Śrī Rāma’s glory. As for the people, every embodied soul is subject to pleasure and pain according to its fate. Therefore, you should go to Ayodhyā for the good of the celestials.” Clasping her feet again and again they exerted great pressure on her till she yielded and set out, considering the gods as mean-minded. She said to herself, “Though their abode is on high, their doings are mean; they cannot see others prosperity.” Again, reflecting on the role she was destined to perform in the days to come, when worthy poets would seek her favour, she came with a cheerful heart to the capital of Daśaratha like the intolerably evil influence of a planet.