On Hanumān’s reaching the opposite shore all the monkeys return and enter Madhuvana; their meeting with Sugrīva and the dialogue between Śrī Rāma and Hanumān


calata mahādhuni garjēsi bhārī. garbha stravahiṃ suni nisicara nārī
nāghi siṃdhu ēhi pārahi āvā. sabada kilakilā kapinha sunāvā [5-27-1]
haraṣē saba bilōki hanumānā. nūtana janma kapinha taba jānā
mukha prasanna tana tēja birājā. kīnhēsi rāmacandra kara kājā [5-27-2]
milē sakala ati bhaē sukhārī. talaphata mīna pāva jimi bārī
calē haraṣi raghunāyaka pāsā. pūomchata kahata navala itihāsā [5-27-3]
taba madhubana bhītara saba āē. aṃgada saṃmata madhu phala khāē
rakhavārē jaba barajana lāgē. muṣṭi prahāra hanata saba bhāgē [5-27-4]

While leaving he roared aloud with such a terrible noise that the wives of the demons miscarried. Taking a leap across the ocean he reached the opposite shore and greeted his fellow-monkeys with a shrill cry of joy. They were all delighted to see Hanumān and felt as if they had been born anew. He wore a cheerful countenance and his body shone with a brilliance which left no doubt in their mind that he had executed Śrī Rāmacandra’s commission. They all met him and felt as delighted as a fish writhing with agony for lack of water would feel on getting it. They then gladly proceeded to see the Lord of the Raghus, asking and telling the latest events. On their way they all entered Sugrīva’s garden called Madhuvana and with Aṅgada’s consent began to eat the luscious fruit. When the guards interfered, they were beaten with fists till they took to their heels.


jāi pukārē tē saba bana ujāra jubarāja.
suni sugrīva haraṣa kapi kari āē prabhu kāja [5-28]

They all approached Sugrīva and complained that the Crown Prince was laying waste the royal garden. Sugrīva rejoiced to hear this; for he concluded that the monkeys must have returned after accomplishing the Lord’s business.


jauṃ na hōti sītā sudhi pāī. madhubana kē phala sakahiṃ ki khāī
ēhi bidhi mana bicāra kara rājā. āi gaē kapi sahita samājā [5-28-1]
āi sabanhi nāvā pada sīsā. milēu sabanhi ati prēma kapīsā
pūomchī kusala kusala pada dēkhī. rāma kṛpāom bhā kāju bisēṣī [5-28-2]
nātha kāju kīnhēu hanumānā. rākhē sakala kapinha kē prānā
suni sugrīva bahuri tēhi milēū. kapinha sahita raghupati pahiṃ calēū. [5-28-3]
rāma kapinha jaba āvata dēkhā. kiēom kāju mana haraṣa bisēṣā
phaṭika silā baiṭhē dvau bhāī. parē sakala kapi carananhi jāī [5-28-4]

“If they had failed to get any news of Sītā, they could never dare to eat the fruit of Madhuvana.” While the king was thus musing, the monkey chiefs arrived with their party. Drawing near they all bowed their head at his feet and the lord of the monkeys received them all most cordially and enquired after their welfare . “It is well with us, now that we have seen your feet. By Rāma’s grace the work has been accomplished with remarkable success. It is Hanumān, Your Majesty, who did everything and saved the life of the whole monkey host.” Hearing this Sugrīva embraced him again and then proceeded with all the monkeys to see the Lord of the Raghus. When Śrī Rāma saw the monkeys approaching with their mission duly accomplished, He was particularly delighted at heart. The two brothers were seated on a crystal rock and all the monkeys went and fell at Their feet.


prīti sahita saba bhēṭē raghupati karunā puṃja.
pūomchī kusala nātha aba kusala dēkhi pada kaṃja [5-29]

The all-merciful Lord of the Raghus embraced them all with affection and asked of their welfare. “All is well with us, now that we have seen Your lotus feet.”


jāmavaṃta kaha sunu raghurāyā. jā para nātha karahu tumha dāyā
tāhi sadā subha kusala niraṃtara. sura nara muni prasanna tā ūpara [5-29-1]
sōi bijaī binaī guna sāgara. tāsu sujasu trēlōka ujāgara
prabhu kīṃ kṛpā bhayau sabu kājū. janma hamāra suphala bhā ājū [5-29-2]
nātha pavanasuta kīnhi jō karanī. sahasahuom mukha na jāi sō baranī
pavanatanaya kē carita suhāē. jāmavaṃta raghupatihi sunāē [5-29-3]
sunata kṛpānidhi mana ati bhāē. puni hanumāna haraṣi hiyaom lāē
kahahu tāta kēhi bhāomti jānakī. rahati karati racchā svaprāna kī [5-29-4]

Said Jāmbavān, “Listen, O Lord of the Raghus: he on whom You bestow Your blessings is ever lucky and incessantly happy; gods, human beings and sages are all kind to him. He alone is victorious, modest and an ocean of virtues; his fair renown shines brightly through all the three spheres of creation. Everything has turned out well by the grace of my Lord; it is only today that our birth has been consummated. The achievement of Hanumān (the son of the wind-god) cannot be described even with a thousand tongues.” Jāmbavān then related to the Lord of the Raghus the charming exploits of Hanumān (the son of the wind-god). The All-merciful felt much delighted at heart to hear them and in His joy He clasped Hanumān once more to His bosom. “Tell me, dear Hanumān, how does Janaka’s daughter pass her days and sustain her life?”


nāma pāharu divasa nisi dhyāna tumhāra kapāṭa.
lōcana nija pada jaṃtrita jāhiṃ prāna kēhiṃ bāṭa [5-30]

“Your Name keeps watch night and day, while Her continued thought of You acts as a pair of closed doors. She has Her eyes fastened on Her own feet; Her life thus finds no outlet whereby to escape.”


calata mōhi cūḍaāmani dīnhī. raghupati hṛdayaom lāi sōi līnhī
nātha jugala lōcana bhari bārī. bacana kahē kachu janakakumārī [5-30-1]
anuja samēta gahēhu prabhu caranā. dīna baṃdhu pranatārati haranā
mana krama bacana carana anurāgī. kēhi aparādha nātha hauṃ tyāgī [5-30-2]
avaguna ēka mōra maiṃ mānā. bichurata prāna na kīnha payānā
nātha sō nayananhi kō aparādhā. nisarata prāna karihiṃ haṭhi bādhā [5-30-3]
biraha agini tanu tūla samīrā. svāsa jarai chana māhiṃ sarīrā
nayana stravahi jalu nija hita lāgī. jaraiṃ na pāva dēha birahāgī. [5-30-4]
sītā kē ati bipati bisālā. binahiṃ kahēṃ bhali dīnadayālā [5-30-5]

“When I was leaving, She gave me this jewel from the top of Her head.” The Lord of the Raghus took it and pressed it to His bosom. “My lord, with tears in both Her eyes Janaka’s Daughter uttered the following few words: ‘Embrace the feet of my lord and His younger brother crying; O befriender of the distressed, reliever of the suppliant’s agony, I am devoted to Your feet in thought, word and deed; yet for what offence, my lord, have You forsaken me? I do admit one fault of mine, that my life did not depart the moment I was separated from You. That, however, my lord, is the fault of my eyes, which forcibly prevent my life from escaping. The agony of separation from You is like fire, my sighs fan it as a gust of wind and in between stands my body like a heap of cotton, which would have been consumed in an instant. But my eyes, in their own interest (i.e., for being enabled to feast themselves on Your beauty) rain a flood of tears; that is why the body fails to catch the fire of desolation.’ Sītā’s distress is so overwhelmingly great, and You are so compassionate to the afflicted, that it is better not to describe it.”


nimiṣa nimiṣa karunānidhi jāhiṃ kalapa sama bīti.
bēgi caliya prabhu ānia bhuja bala khala dala jīti [5-31]

“Each single moment, O fountain of mercy, passes like an age to Her. Therefore, march quickly, my lord, and vanquishing the miscreant crew by Your mighty arm, recover Her.”


suni sītā dukha prabhu sukha ayanā. bhari āē jala rājiva nayanā
bacana kāomya mana mama gati jāhī. sapanēhuom būjhia bipati ki tāhī [5-31-1]
kaha hanumaṃta bipati prabhu sōī. jaba tava sumirana bhajana na hōī
kētika bāta prabhu jātudhāna kī. ripuhi jīti ānibī jānakī [5-31-2]
sunu kapi tōhi samāna upakārī. nahiṃ kōu sura nara muni tanudhārī
prati upakāra karauṃ kā tōrā. sanamukha hōi na sakata mana mōrā [5-31-3]
sunu suta urina maiṃ nāhīṃ. dēkhēuom kari bicāra mana māhīṃ
puni puni kapihi citava suratrātā. lōcana nīra pulaka ati gātā [5-31-4]

When the all-blissful Lord heard of Sītā’s agony, tears rushed to his lotus eyes. “Do you think anyone who depends on me in thought, word and deed can ever dream of adversity?” Said Hanumān: “There is no misfortune other than ceasing to remember and adore You. Of what account are the demons to You? Routing the enemy You will surely bring back Janaka’s Daughter.” “No one endowed with a body-a god, human being or sage-has put me under such obligation, Hanumān, as you have done. Even my mind shrinks to face you; how, then, can I repay your obligation? Listen, my son: I have thought over the question and concluded that the debt which I owe you cannot be repaid.” Again and again as the Protector of the gods gazed on Hanumān His eyes filled with tears and His body was overpowered with a thrill of emotion.


suni prabhu bacana bilōki mukha gāta haraṣi hanumaṃta.
carana parēu prēmākula trāhi trāhi bhagavaṃta [5-32]

Even as Hanumān listened to the words of his lord and gazed on His countenance he experienced a thrill of joy all over his body and fell at His feet, overwhelmed with love and crying: “Save me, save me (from the tentacles of egoism), my lord.”


bāra bāra prabhu cahai uṭhāvā. prēma magana tēhi uṭhaba na bhāvā
prabhu kara paṃkaja kapi kēṃ sīsā. sumiri sō dasā magana gaurīsā [5-32-1]
sāvadhāna mana kari puni saṃkara. lāgē kahana kathā ati suṃdara
kapi uṭhāi prabhu hṛdayaom lagāvā. kara gahi parama nikaṭa baiṭhāvā [5-32-2]
kahu kapi rāvana pālita laṃkā. kēhi bidhi dahēu durga ati baṃkā
prabhu prasanna jānā hanumānā. bōlā bacana bigata abhimānā [5-32-3]
sākhāmṛga kē baḍai manusāī. sākhā tēṃ sākhā para jāī
nāghi siṃdhu hāṭakapura jārā. nisicara gana bidhi bipina ujārā. [5-32-4]
sō saba tava pratāpa raghurāī. nātha na kachū mōri prabhutāī [5-32-5]

Again and again the Lord sought to raise him up; he, however, was so absorbed in love that he would not rise. The lotus hand of the Lord rested on his head. Gaurī’s lord (Śiva) was overcome with emotion as He called to mind Hanumān’s enviable lot.* But, recovering Himself, Śiva resumed the most charming narrative. The Lord lifted up Hanumān and clasped him to His bosom; then He took him by the hand and seated him very close to Him. “Tell me, Hanumān, how could you burn Rāvaṇa’s stronghold of Laṅkā, a most impregnable fortress?” When Hanumān found the Lord so pleased, he replied in words altogether free from pride. “A monkey’s greatest valour lies in his skipping about from one bough to another. That I should have been able to leap across the ocean, burn the gold city, kill the demon host and lay waste the Aśoka grove was all due to Your might; no credit, my lord, is due to me for the same.”

  • * It should be remembered in this connection that Lord Śiva Himself had taken the form of Hanumān. It was, therefore, easy for Him to recall that thrilling experience.


tā kahuom prabhu kachu agama nahiṃ jā para tumha anukula.
taba prabhāvaom baḍavānalahiṃ jāri sakai khalu tūla [5-33]

“Nothing is unattainable, my lord, to him who enjoys Your grace. Through Your might a mere shred of cotton can surely burn a submarine fire (the impossible can be made possible).


nātha bhagati ati sukhadāyanī. dēhu kṛpā kari anapāyanī
suni prabhu parama sarala kapi bānī. ēvamastu taba kahēu bhavānī [5-33-1]
umā rāma subhāu jēhiṃ jānā. tāhi bhajanu taji bhāva na ānā
yaha saṃvāda jāsu ura āvā. raghupati carana bhagati sōi pāvā [5-33-2]
suni prabhu bacana kahahiṃ kapibṛṃdā. jaya jaya jaya kṛpāla sukhakaṃdā
taba raghupati kapipatihi bōlāvā. kahā calaiṃ kara karahu banāvā [5-33-3]
aba bilaṃbu kēhi kārana kījē. turata kapinha kahuom āyasu dījē
kautuka dēkhi sumana bahu baraṣī. nabha tēṃ bhavana calē sura haraṣī [5-33-4]

“Therefore, be pleased, my lord, to grant me unceasing Devotion, which is a source of supreme bliss.” When the Lord, O Pārvatī, heard the most artless speech of Hanumān He said, “Be it so !” Umā , he who has come to know the true nature of Rāma can have no relish for anything other than His worship. Even he who takes this dialogue (between Śrī Rāma and Hanumān) to heart is blessed with devotion to Śrī Rāma’s feet. On hearing the words of the Lord the whole host of monkeys cried, “Glory, glory, all glory to the gracious Lord, the fountain of bliss !” The Lord of the Raghus then summoned Sugrīva (the King of the monkeys) and said, “Make preparations for the march. Why should we tarry any longer? Issue orders to the monkeys at once.” The gods who were witnessing the spectacle rained down flowers in profusion and then gladly withdrew from the lower air to their own celestial spheres.