Meghanāda gives battle and Śrī Rāma sportfully allows Himself to be bound by a snare of serpents


mēghanāda māyāmaya ratha caḍhai gayau akāsa..
garjēu aṭṭahāsa kari bhai kapi kaṭakahi trāsa..72.. [6-72]

Mounting his charmed car Meghanāda ascended into the air and roared with a terrible laugh, which struck the monkey host with terror.


sakti sūla taravāri kṛpānā. astra sastra kulisāyudha nānā..
ḍāraha parasu parigha pāṣānā. lāgēu bṛṣṭi karai bahu bānā.. [6-72-1]
dasa disi rahē bāna nabha chāī. mānahu maghā mēgha jhari lāī..
dharu dharu māru sunia dhuni kānā. jō mārai tēhi kōu na jānā.. [6-72-2]
gahi giri taru akāsa kapi dhāvahiṃ. dēkhahi tēhi na dukhita phiri āvahiṃ..
avaghaṭa ghāṭa bāṭa giri kaṃdara. māyā bala kīnhēsi sara paṃjara.. [6-72-3]
jāhiṃ kahāom byākula bhaē baṃdara. surapati baṃdi parē janu maṃdara..
mārutasuta aṃgada nala nīlā. kīnhēsi bikala sakala balasīlā.. [6-72-4]
puni lachimana sugrīva bibhīṣana. saranhi māri kīnhēsi jarjara tana..
puni raghupati saiṃ jūjhē lāgā. sara chāomḍai hōi lāgahiṃ nāgā.. [6-72-5]
byāla pāsa basa bhaē kharārī. svabasa anaṃta ēka abikārī..
naṭa iva kapaṭa carita kara nānā. sadā svataṃtra ēka bhagavānā.. [6-72-6]
rana sōbhā lagi prabhuhiṃ baomdhāyō. nāgapāsa dēvanha bhaya pāyō.. [6-72-7]

He discharged a volley of lances, pikes, swords and scimitars as well as axes, bludgeons and stones, and other missiles and weapons of every description, terrible as a thunderbolt, and further rained down shafts in profusion. The sky was thickly covered with arrows on all sides, as though the clouds poured in torrents in the month of Bhādrapada, when the constellation Māgha (the tenth in order of the twenty-seven Nakṣatras) is in the ascendant. The cries of “Seize, seize, kill, kill” filled every ear; but nobody knew who it was that struck them. Snatching up rocks and trees, the monkeys sprang into the air; but they could not see him and returned sore disappointed. Meanwhile by his delusive power Meghanāda had turned every rugged valley, path and mountain cave into a veritable aviary of arrows. The monkeys were confounded and did not know where to turn. They felt helpless like so many Mandaras thrown into prison as it were by Indra. The son of the windgod, Aṅgada, Nala, Nīla and all the other mighty heroes were completely discomfited by him. Again he assailed with his shafts Lakṣmaṇa, Sugrīva, and Vibhīṣaṇa and pierced their bodies through and through. Then he confronted the Lord of the Raghus Himself; the arrows he let fly turned into serpents even as they struck Śrī Rāma. The Slayer of Khara, who is all-independent, infinite and immutable, the one without a second, was overpowered by the serpents’ coils. Like an actor, He plays many a part,-He, the one, ever-free and omnipotent Lord. It was in order to invest the battle with a glory of its own that the Lord allowed Himself to be bound by a snare of serpents, even though the gods were dismayed at this sight.


girijā jāsu nāma japi muni kāṭahiṃ bhava pāsa.
sō ki baṃdha tara āvai byāpaka bisva nivāsa..73.. [6-73]

Girijā, (continues Lord Śiva,) is it ever possible that the Lord, who is the allpervading abode of the universe and whose name, when repeated enables the hermits to cut asunder the bonds of existence, should fall in bondage?


carita rāma kē saguna bhavānī. tarki na jāhiṃ buddhi bala bānī..
asa bicāri jē tagya birāgī. rāmahi bhajahiṃ tarka saba tyāgī.. [6-73-1]
byākula kaṭaku kīnha ghananādā. puni bhā pragaṭa kahai durbādā..
jāmavaṃta kaha khala rahu ṭhāḍhaā. suni kari tāhi krōdha ati bāḍhaā.. [6-73-2]
būḍha jāni saṭha chāomḍaēu tōhī. lāgēsi adhama pacārai mōhī..
asa kahi tarala trisūla calāyō. jāmavaṃta kara gahi sōi dhāyō.. [6-73-3]
mārisi mēghanāda kai chātī. parā bhūmi ghurmita suraghātī..
puni risāna gahi carana phirāyau. mahi pachāri nija bala dēkharāyō.. [6-73-4]
bara prasāda sō marai na mārā. taba gahi pada laṃkā para ḍārā..
ihāom dēvariṣi garuḍa paṭhāyō. rāma samīpa sapadi sō āyō.. [6-73-5]

The doing of Śrī Rāma when appearing in an embodied form, Bhavānī, cannot be logically interpreted by the power of reason or speech. Realizing this those who know the truth about Him and are full of dispassion adore Śrī Rāma, discarding all theological speculation. Having thus thrown the monkey host into confusion, Ghananada (a synonym for Meghanāda) at last revealed himself and began to pour abuses. Jāmbavān said, “Remain standing a while, O wretch!” When he heard this, his anger knew no bound. “Fool, I spared you only on account of your age. And yet you have had the audacity to challenge me, O vile creature!”So saying he hurled his glittering trident. Jāmbavān, however, caught it in his hand and, darting forward, struck Meghanāda in the chest with it so vehemently that the enemy of gods reeled and fell to the ground. Once again Jāmbavān in his fury took Meghanāda by the foot and, swinging him round, dashed him against the ground and thus showed him his strength. By virtue of the boon* (granted to him by the Creator), however, he died not for all his killing. Thereupon Jāmbavān seized him by the foot and tossed him into Laṅkā. At this end the celestial sage Nārada despatched Garuḍa, who took no time in reaching by the side of Śrī Rāma

  • * In the Adhyātmarāmāyaṇa Vibhīṣaṇa tells Śrī Rāma:

    विभीषणोऽपि तं प्राह नासावन्यैर्निहन्यते । यस्तु द्वादश वर्षाणि निद्राहारविवर्जितः ॥
    तेनैव मृत्युर्निर्दिष्टो ब्रह्मणास्य दुरात्मनः । लक्ष्मणस्तु अयोध्याया निर्गम्यायात्त्वया सह ॥
    तदादि निद्राहारादीन्न जानाति रघूत्तम । सेवार्थं तव राजेन्द्र ज्ञातं सर्वमिदं मया ॥
    तदाज्ञापय देवेश लक्ष्मणं त्वरया मया । हनिष्यति न सन्देहः शेषः साक्षाद्धराधरः ॥
    (Yuddhakāṇḍa VIII. 64-67)

    “Brahmā (the Creator) has ordained the death of this wicked soul (Meghanāda) at the hands of one who has neither slept nor taken any food for full twelve years. Given over to your service, Lakṣmaṇa, O Chief of the Raghus, has known neither sleep nor food etc., ever since he came away from Ayodhyā: I have come to know all this, O King of kings. Therefore, O Ruler of gods, command Lakṣmaṇa to accompany me with all speed; for he is no other than Śeṣa, the supporter of the earth, and will doubtless slay this demon.


khagapati saba dhari khāē māyā nāga barūtha.
māyā bigata bhaē saba haraṣē bānara jūtha. 74ka.. [6-74(A)]
gahi giri pādapa upala nakha dhāē kīsa risāi.
calē tamīcara bikalatara gaḍha para caḍhaē parāi..74kha.. [6-74(B)]

The king of birds seized and devoured the whole swarm of snakes created by Meghanāda’s demoniac power. The charm was thus dispelled and all the divisions of the monkey host rejoiced again. Armed with rocks, trees, stones, and claws, the monkeys rushed forth in their fury; while the demons took to their heels in utter confusion and climbed up the fort.