Mandodarī and other queens lament; Rāvaṇa’s funeral


pati sira dēkhata maṃdōdarī. muruchita bikala dharani khasi parī..
jubati bṛṃda rōvata uṭhi dhāīṃ. tēhi uṭhāi rāvana pahiṃ āī.. [6-103-1]
pati gati dēkhi tē karahiṃ pukārā. chūṭē kaca nahiṃ bapuṣa saombhārā..
ura tāḍanā karahiṃ bidhi nānā. rōvata karahiṃ pratāpa bakhānā.. [6-103-2]
tava bala nātha ḍōla nita dharanī. tēja hīna pāvaka sasi taranī..
sēṣa kamaṭha sahi sakahiṃ na bhārā. sō tanu bhūmi parēu bhari chārā.. [6-103-3]
baruna kubēra surēsa samīrā. rana sanmukha dhari kāhu na dhīrā..
bhujabala jitēhu kāla jama sāīṃ. āju parēhu anātha kī nāīṃ.. [6-103-4]
jagata bidita tumhārī prabhutāī. suta parijana bala barani na jāī..
rāma bimukha asa hāla tumhārā. rahā na kōu kula rōvanihārā.. [6-103-5]
tava basa bidhi prapaṃca saba nāthā. sabhaya disipa nita nāvahiṃ māthā..
aba tava sira bhuja jaṃbuka khāhīṃ. rāma bimukha yaha anucita nāhīṃ.. [6-103-6]
kāla bibasa pati kahā na mānā. aga jaga nāthu manuja kari jānā.. [6-103-7]

The moment Mandodarī (Rāvaṇa’s principal spouse) saw her lord’s heads she fainted in her grief and dropped to the ground. His other wives too sprang up and rushed to the spot weeping; lifting up and supporting Mandodarī they all arrived where Rāvaṇa’s remains lay. Seeing their lord’s condition they set up a shriek; their hair flew loose and they became oblivious of their body. Wildly beating their bosom and weeping, they recounted his glory. “At your might, my Lord, the earth ever shook; fire, the moon and the sun stood obscure before your splendour. Even Śeṣa (the serpent-god) and the divine Tortoise could not bear the weight of your body, which is now lying on the ground soiled with dust. Varuṇa (the god presiding over the waters), Kubera (the god of riches), Indra (the lord of the celestials) and the wind-god-none of these ever had the courage to confront you in battle. By the might of your arm, my lord, you conquered Death as well as Yama (the god who punishes evil-doers in the other world); yet you lie today like a forlorn creature. Your greatness is known all the world over; even your sons and kinsmen possessed untold strength. Hostility with Rāma has, however, reduced you to such a plight : not one of your stock is left to lament over your death. The whole of God’s creation, my lord, was under your control; the frightened regents of the eight quarters ever bowed their heads to you. But now jackals feast on your heads and arms, a fate in no way undeserved by an enemy of Śrī Rāma. Doomed to death, my lord, you heeded not my words, and took the Ruler of all animate and inanimate beings for an ordinary mortal.


jānyō manuja kari danuja kānana dahana pāvaka hari svayaṃ.
jēhi namata siva brahmādi sura piya bhajēhu nahiṃ karunāmayaṃ..
ājanma tē paradrōha rata pāpaughamaya tava tanu ayaṃ.
tumhahū diyō nija dhāma rāma namāmi brahma nirāmayaṃ..

“You took for a mere man Śrī Hari Himself, a veritable fire to consume the forest of the demon race, and did not adore the All-merciful, to whom, my beloved spouse, Lord Śiva, Brahmā (the Creator) and other gods do homage. This body of yours had taken delight from its very birth in harming others and was a sink of multitudinous sins; yet Śrī Rāma has absorbed you in His own being ! I bow to Him, the immutable Brahma.


ahaha nātha raghunātha sama kṛpāsiṃdhu nahiṃ āna.
jōgi bṛṃda durlabha gati tōhi dīnhi bhagavāna..104.. [6-104]

“Ah, my lord ! there is none else so gracious as the divine Śrī Rāma (the Lord of the Raghus), who bestowed on you a state which is difficult even for the Yogīs to attain.”


maṃdōdarī bacana suni kānā. sura muni siddha sabanhi sukha mānā..
aja mahēsa nārada sanakādī. jē munibara paramārathabādī.. [6-104-1]
bhari lōcana raghupatihi nihārī. prēma magana saba bhaē sukhārī..
rudana karata dēkhīṃ saba nārī. gayau bibhīṣanu mana dukha bhārī.. [6-104-2]
baṃdhu dasā bilōki dukha kīnhā. taba prabhu anujahi āyasu dīnhā..
lachimana tēhi bahu bidhi samujhāyō. bahuri bibhīṣana prabhu pahiṃ āyō.. [6-104-3]
kṛpādṛṣṭi prabhu tāhi bilōkā. karahu kriyā parihari saba sōkā..
kīnhi kriyā prabhu āyasu mānī. bidhivata dēsa kāla jiyaom jānī.. [6-104-4]

The gods, sages and Siddhas, all rejoiced to hear Mandodarī’s words. Brahmā, the great Lord Śiva, Nārada, Sanaka and his three brothers (Sanandana, Sanātana and Sanatkumāra) and all other great sages who taught the highest truth (the identity of the individual soul with the supreme Spirit) were all overwhelmed with emotion as they feasted their eyes on the Lord of the Raghus, and felt supremely gratified. Seeing all the women making lamentation Vibhīṣaṇa approached them with a very heavy heart and was grieved to see his Brother’s condition. The Lord thereupon gave an order to His younger brother, Lakṣmaṇa, who consoled him in many ways. Then Vibhīṣaṇa returned to his lord, who looked upon him with an eye of compassion and said, “Abandon all sorrow and perform the funeral rites.” In obedience to the Lord’s command he celebrated the obsequies, strictly observing the scriptural ordinance and with due regard to time and place.


maṃdōdarī ādi saba dēi tilāṃjali tāhi.
bhavana gaī raghupati guna gana baranata mana māhi..105.. [6-105]

After offering to the deceased handfuls of water and sesamum seeds (for the propitiation of his soul) Mandodarī and all the other queens returned to their palace, recounting to themselves the host of excellences of Śrī Rāma (the Lord of the Raghus).