Hanumān carries the happy news to Sītā; Sītā rejoins Sti Rāma and enters fire as a test of her purity


puni prabhu bōli liyau hanumānā. laṃkā jāhu kahēu bhagavānā..
samācāra jānakihi sunāvahu. tāsu kusala lai tumha cali āvahu.. [6-106-1]
taba hanumaṃta nagara mahu āē. suni nisicarī nisācara dhāē..
bahu prakāra tinha pūjā kīnhī. janakasutā dēkhāi puni dīnhī.. [6-106-2]
dūrahi tē pranāma kapi kīnhā. raghupati dūta jānakīṃ cīnhā..
kahahu tāta prabhu kṛpānikētā. kusala anuja kapi sēna samētā.. [6-106-3]
saba bidhi kusala kōsalādhīsā. mātu samara jītyō dasasīsā..
abicala rāju bibhīṣana pāyō. suni kapi bacana haraṣa ura chāyō.. [6-106-4]

The Lord then called Hanumān. “Go to Laṅkā”, said the Almighty, “and telling Janaka’s Daughter all that has happened return with the news of her welfare.” Thereupon Hanumān entered the city and on hearing of his arrival demons and demonesses ran to meet him. They did him all kinds of homage and thereafter conducted him into the presence of Janaka’s Daughter. Hanumān made obeisance to Her from a respectable distance, and Janaka’s Daughter recognized him as Śrī Rāma’s own messenger. “Tell me, dear son, if my gracious lord is doing well with His younger brother and the monkey host.” “All is well with the Lord of Kosala. Mother, the ten-headed monster has been conquered in battle, while Vibhīṣaṇa has attained everlasting dominion (that will endure till the end of this Kalpa).” Her heart was filled with joy when She heard the monkey’s words.


ati haraṣa mana tana pulaka lōcana sajala kaha puni puni ramā.
kā dēu tōhi trēlōka mahu kapi kimapi nahiṃ bānī samā..
sunu mātu maiṃ pāyō akhila jaga rāju āju na saṃsayaṃ.
rana jīti ripudala baṃdhu juta pasyāmi rāmamanāmayaṃ..

Her soul was overjoyed, a thrill ran through Her body and with eyes full of tears Rāma (Sītā) said again and again. “What can I give you? There is nothing in all the three worlds equal in value to this information.” “Listen, mother: today I have doubtless attained the sovereignty of the entire creation when I find Śrī Rāma safe and sound with His brother after conquering the enemy’s ranks on the battlefield.”


sunu suta sadaguna sakala tava hṛdayaom basahu hanumaṃta.
sānukūla kōsalapati rahahu samēta anaṃta..107.. [6-107]

“Listen, Hanumān, my son : may all commendable virtues abide in your heart and may the Lord of Kosala with Ananta (Lakṣmaṇa) be ever gracious to you.”


aba sōi jatana karahu tumha tātā. dēkhauṃ nayana syāma mṛdu gātā..
taba hanumāna rāma pahiṃ jāī. janakasutā kai kusala sunāī.. [6-107-1]
suni saṃdēsu bhānukulabhūṣana. bōli liē jubarāja bibhīṣana..
mārutasuta kē saṃga sidhāvahu. sādara janakasutahi lai āvahu.. [6-107-2]
turatahiṃ sakala gaē jahaom sītā. sēvahiṃ saba nisicarīṃ binītā..
bēgi bibhīṣana tinhahi sikhāyō. tinha bahu bidhi majjana karavāyō.. [6-107-3]
bahu prakāra bhūṣana pahirāē. sibikā rucira sāji puni lyāē..
tā para haraṣi caḍhaī baidēhī. sumiri rāma sukhadhāma sanēhī.. [6-107-4]
bētapāni racchaka cahu pāsā. calē sakala mana parama hulāsā..
dēkhana bhālu kīsa saba āē. racchaka kōpi nivārana dhāē.. [6-107-5]
kaha raghubīra kahā mama mānahu. sītahi sakhā payādēṃ ānahu..
dēkhahu kapi jananī kī nāīṃ. bihasi kahā raghunātha gōsāī.. [6-107-6]
suni prabhu bacana bhālu kapi haraṣē. nabha tē suranha sumana bahu baraṣē..
sītā prathama anala mahu rākhī. pragaṭa kīnhi caha aṃtara sākhī.. [6-107-7]

“Now, my dear son, devise some means whereby I may behold with my own eyes the tender swarthy limbs of my Lord.” Then Hanumān returned to Śrī Rāma and apprised Him of Sītā’s welfare. On hearing Her tidings the Ornament of the solar race called Prince Aṅgada and Vibhīṣaṇa. “Both of you accompany the son of the wind-god and respectfully escort Janaka’s Daughter here.” Forthwith all went to the place where Sītā was and found a whole host demonesses waiting on Her in all humility. Vibhīṣaṇa gave prompt instructions to the demonesses, who washed Her body in all possible ways. They also decked Her with ornaments of every description and then brought a beautiful palanquin duly equipped. Videha’s Daughter gladly mounted it with Her thoughts fixed on the all-blissful Rāma, Her loving lord. Guards marched on all four sides, staves in hand; they were all supremely delighted at heart. The bears and monkeys all came to have a look at Her; but the guards darted in a fury to keep them back. Said the Hero of Raghu’s line, “Follow my advice, Vibhīṣaṇa and bring Sītā on foot.” “Let the monkeys gaze on Her as they would on their own mother,” smilingly added the Almighty Lord of the Raghus. The bears and monkeys rejoiced to hear the Lord’s words, while from the heavens the gods rained down flowers in profusion. Sītā (it will be remembered) had been previously lodged in fire (vide Araṇyakāṇda XXIII. 1-2); Śrī Rāma (the inner Witness of all) now sought to bring Her back to light.


tēhi kārana karunānidhi kahē kachuka durbāda.
sunata jātudhānīṃ saba lāgīṃ karai biṣāda..108.. [6-108]

It was for this reason that the All-merciful addressed some reproachful words to Her. On hearing them the demon ladies (who had accompanied Her) all began to lament.


prabhu kē bacana sīsa dhari sītā. bōlī mana krama bacana punītā..
lachimana hōhu dharama kē nēgī. pāvaka pragaṭa karahu tumha bēgī.. [6-108-1]
suni lachimana sītā kai bānī. biraha bibēka dharama niti sānī..
lōcana sajala jōri kara dōū. prabhu sana kachu kahi sakata na ōū.. [6-108-2]
dēkhi rāma rukha lachimana dhāē. pāvaka pragaṭi kāṭha bahu lāē..
pāvaka prabala dēkhi baidēhī. hṛdayaom haraṣa nahiṃ bhaya kachu tēhī.. [6-108-3]
jauṃ mana baca krama mama ura māhīṃ. taji raghubīra āna gati nāhīṃ..
tau kṛsānu saba kai gati jānā. mō kahu hōu śrīkhaṃḍa samānā.. [6-108-4]

Sītā, however, bowed to the Lord’s command-pure as She was in thought, word and deed-and said, “Lakṣmaṇa, help me as a priest in the performance of this sacred rite and quickly kindle me a fire.” When Lakṣmaṇa heard Sītā’s words, full of anguish caused by separation (from Her Lord) and imbued with critical insight, piety and prudence, tears rushed to his eyes and he joined his palms in prayer; but he too could not speak a word to the Lord. Reading Śrī Rāma’s tacit approval in His looks, however, Lakṣmaṇa ran and after kindling a fire brought plenty of firewood. Videha’s Daughter rejoiced at heart to perceive the blazing fire and did not flinch at all. “If in thought, word and deed I have never set my heart on anyone other than the Hero of Raghu’s line, may this fire, which knows the working of all minds, become cool like sandal-paste to me.”


śrīkhaṃḍa sama pāvaka prabēsa kiyō sumiri prabhu maithilī.
jaya kōsalēsa mahēsa baṃdita carana rati ati nirmalī..
pratibiṃba aru laukika kalaṃka pracaṃḍa pāvaka mahu jarē.
prabhu carita kāhu na lakhē nabha sura siddha muni dēkhahiṃ kharē..1.. [6-108-1]
dhari rūpa pāvaka pāni gahi śrī satya śruti jaga bidita jō.
jimi chīrasāgara iṃdirā rāmahi samarpī āni sō..
sō rāma bāma bibhāga rājati rucira ati sōbhā bhalī.
nava nīla nīraja nikaṭa mānahu kanaka paṃkaja kī kalī..2.. [6-108-2]

With Her thoughts fixed on the Lord, the Princess of Mithilā entered the flames as though they were cool like sandal-paste, crying “Glory to the Lord of Kosala, whose feet are adored by the great Lord Śiva with the purest devotion !” Both Her shadow-form as well as the social stigma (occasioned by Her forced residence at Rāvaṇa’s) were consumed in the blazing fire; but no one could know the secret of the Lord’s doings. Even the gods, Siddhas and sages stood gazing in the air. Fire assumed a bodily form and, taking by the hand the real Śrī (Sītā), celebrated alike in the Vedas and the world, escorted and presented Her to Śrī Rāma even as the Ocean of milk presented Goddess Indirā (Lakṣmī) to Lord Viṣṇu. Standing on the left side of Śrī Rāma, She shone resplendent in Her exquisite beauty like the bud of a gold lily beside a fresh blue lotus.