Insult offered by him to his preceptor in a previous birth and the curse pronounced on him by Lord Śiva


ēka bāra gura līnha bōlāī. mōhi nīti bahu bhāomti sikhāī..
siva sēvā kara phala suta sōī. abirala bhagati rāma pada hōī.. [7-105(A)-1]
rāmahi bhajahiṃ tāta siva dhātā. nara pāvaomra kai kētika bātā..
jāsu carana aja siva anurāgī. tātu drōhaom sukha cahasi abhāgī.. [7-105(A)-2]
hara kahu hari sēvaka gura kahēū. suni khaganātha hṛdaya mama dahēū..
adhama jāti maiṃ bidyā pāēom. bhayau jathā ahi dūdha piāēom.. [7-105(A)-3]
mānī kuṭila kubhāgya kujātī. gura kara drōha karau dinu rātī..
ati dayāla gura svalpa na krōdhā. puni puni mōhi sikhāva subōdhā.. [7-105(A)-4]
jēhi tē nīca baḍaāī pāvā. sō prathamahiṃ hati tāhi nasāvā..
dhūma anala saṃbhava sunu bhāī. tēhi bujhāva ghana padavī pāī.. [7-105(A)-5]
raja maga parī nirādara rahaī. saba kara pada prahāra nita sahaī..
maruta uḍaāva prathama tēhi bharaī. puni nṛpa nayana kirīṭanhi paraī.. [7-105(A)-6]
sunu khagapati asa samujhi prasaṃgā. budha nahiṃ karahiṃ adhama kara saṃgā..
kabi kōbida gāvahiṃ asi nītī. khala sana kalaha na bhala nahiṃ prītī.. [7-105(A)-7]
udāsīna nita rahia gōsāīṃ. khala pariharia svāna kī nāīṃ..
maiṃ khala hṛdayaom kapaṭa kuṭilāī. gura hita kahai na mōhi sōhāī.. [7-105(A)-8]

One day my preceptor called me and taught me wisdom in every possible way; “The sole reward, my son, of worshipping Lord Śiva is uninterrupted devotion to Śrī Rāma’s feet. Śiva Himself as well as Brahmā (the Creator), dear son, adore Śrī Rāma; of what account, then, is a vile human being ! Do you hope to attain happiness, O wretched soul, by harbouring ill-will to Him whose feet are loved by Brahma and Śiva Himself?” When I heard my Guru speak of Lord Hara as a votary of Śrī Hari, my heart, O lord of the feathered kingdom, was all on fire. Vile of descent as I was, the little learning that I had acquired turned my head even as a serpent becomes all the more poisonous when fed on milk. Proud, perverse, wretched and low-born, I meditated mischief to my Guru day and night. My Guru, however, was too tenderhearted to have the least anger in him; on the other hand, he gave me good advice time after time. The first thing a vile fellow does is to kill and destroy the very man who has been instrumental in exalting him. Listen, brother : smoke, which is produced by fire, extinguishes the latter when it attains to the dignity of a cloud. The dust lying on the road is held in contempt and is ever trodden under foot by all (the wayfarers). But when carried aloft by the wind, it first envelopes the air itself and then descends on the eyes or diadems of king. Listen, O lord of the winged creatures: realizing this state of things, the wise shun the company of vile men. Seers and learned men have declared this maxim: it is good neither to quarrel with a wretch nor to make friends with him. One should always remain aloof from him, my master; a wicked fellow should be avoided even as a dog. Vicious as I was with a heart full of falsehood and perversity, the Guru’s admonition did not appeal to me, even though it was wholesome.


ēka bāra hara maṃdira japata rahēu siva nāma.
gura āyau abhimāna tēṃ uṭhi nahiṃ kīnha pranāma..106ka.. [7-106(A)]
sō dayāla nahiṃ kahēu kachu ura na rōṣa lavalēsa.
ati agha gura apamānatā sahi nahiṃ sakē mahēsa..106kha.. [7-106(B)]

One day I was repeating Śiva Name in a temple sacred to Lord Hara, when my Guru came in; but in my pride I did not rise to greet him. He was too gracious to say anything; neither did he feel the least resentment in his heart. But the grievous sin of showing disrespect to a Guru was more than the great Lord Śiva could tolerate.


maṃdira mājha bhaī nabha bānī. rē hatabhāgya agya abhimānī..
jadyapi tava gura kēṃ nahiṃ krōdhā. ati kṛpāla cita samyaka bōdhā.. [7-106(B)-1]
tadapi sāpa saṭha daihau tōhī. nīti birōdha sōhāi na mōhī..
jauṃ nahiṃ daṃḍa karauṃ khala tōrā. bhraṣṭa hōi śrutimāraga mōrā.. [7-106(B)-2]
jē saṭha gura sana iriṣā karahīṃ. raurava naraka kōṭi juga parahīṃ..
trijaga jōni puni dharahiṃ sarīrā. ayuta janma bhari pāvahiṃ pīrā.. [7-106(B)-3]
baiṭha rahēsi ajagara iva pāpī. sarpa hōhi khala mala mati byāpī..
mahā biṭapa kōṭara mahu jāī..rahu adhamādhama adhagati pāī.. [7-106(B)-4]

An ethereal voice proceeded from the temple itself: “you wretched and conceited fool, even though your preceptor has no anger in him and he is very tender-hearted and possessed of true and perfect wisdom, yet, O fool, I must pronounce a curse on you; for any transgression of propriety is loathsome to Me. If I do not punish you, O wretch, the sanctity of My Vedic laws will be violated. The fools who bear malice against their Guru are cast into the hell named Raurava for a myriad Yugas. After that they take birth in the subhuman species and suffer torment for ten thousand successive existence. Since you remained rooted to your seat like a python, O vile wretch, take the form of a snake; for your mind is steeped in sin. And, condemned to that vile state, O vilest of the vile, go and take up your abode in the hollow of some huge tree.”


hāhākāra kīnha gura dāruna suni siva sāpa..
kaṃpita mōhi bilōki ati ura upajā paritāpa..107ka.. [7-107(A)]
kari daṃḍavata saprēma dvija siva sanmukha kara jōri.
binaya karata gadagada svara samujhi ghōra gati mōri..107kha.. [7-107(B)]

The Guru raised a piteous wail as he heard Lord Śiva terrible curse. And when he saw me trembling with fear, deep agony possessed his soul. Reflecting on my awful fate, the Brāhmaṇa prostrated himself before Lord Śiva and, with joined palms and his voice choked with emotion, he prayed as follows:-