Birth of sons to the four brothers; Ayodhyā’s loveliness; arrival of the sage Sanaka and his three brothers and their dialogue with Śrī Rāma


gyāna girā gōtīta aja māyā mana guna pāra.
sōi saccidānaṃda ghana kara nara carita udāra..25.. [7-25]

The same Brahma who is beyond all knowledge, speech and sense-perception, nay, who is unborn and transcends Māyā (Prakṛti or Matter), the mind and the modes of Prakṛti and is truth, knowledge and bliss solidified, exhibited the ideal behaviour of a human being.


prātakāla saraū kari majjana. baiṭhahiṃ sabhāom saṃga dvija sajjana..
bēda purāna basiṣṭa bakhānahiṃ. sunahiṃ rāma jadyapi saba jānahiṃ.. [7-25-1]
anujanha saṃjuta bhōjana karahīṃ. dēkhi sakala jananīṃ sukha bharahīṃ..
bharata satruhana dōnau bhāī. sahita pavanasuta upabana jāī.. [7-25-2]
būjhahiṃ baiṭhi rāma guna gāhā. kaha hanumāna sumati avagāhā..
sunata bimala guna ati sukha pāvahiṃ. bahuri bahuri kari binaya kahāvahiṃ.. [7-25-3]
saba kēṃ gṛha gṛha hōhiṃ purānā. rāmacarita pāvana bidhi nānā..
nara aru nāri rāma guna gānahiṃ. karahiṃ divasa nisi jāta na jānahiṃ.. [7-25-4]

After taking a bath in the Sarayū early in the morning the Lord sat in an assembly of Brāhmaṇas and holy men. The sage Vasiṣṭha expounded the Vedas and Purāṇas, while Śrī Rāma listened to the exposition, even though He knew everything Himself. He took His meals with His younger brothers and the sight filled all the mothers with joy. The two brothers, Bharata and Śatrughna, would accompany the son of the wind-god to some grove, where they would sit and ask Hanumān to expatiate on Śrī Rāma’s virtues, and Hanumān would plunge his sound intellect into the ocean of His virtues and then recount them. The two brothers derived much joy from the discourse on His immaculate virtues and with much entreaty had it repeated again and again. Everywhere-in every house the people recited the Purāṇas and narrated Śrī Rāma’s holy exploits of a diverse character. Men and women alike joined in hymning Śrī Rāma’s praises and days and nights passed on unnoticed.


avadhapurī bāsinha kara sukha saṃpadā samāja.
sahasa sēṣa nahiṃ kahi sakahiṃ jahaom nṛpa rāma birāja..26.. [7-26]

Not a thousand Śeṣas could tell all the happiness and prosperity of the people of Ayodhyā, where Śrī Rāma reigned as King


nāradādi sanakādi munīsā. darasana lāgi kōsalādhīsā..
dina prati sakala ajōdhyā āvahiṃ. dēkhi nagaru birāgu bisarāvahiṃ.. [7-26-1]
jātarūpa mani racita aṭārīṃ. nānā raṃga rucira gaca ḍhārīṃ..
pura cahu pāsa kōṭa ati suṃdara. racē kaomgūrā raṃga raṃga bara.. [7-26-2]
nava graha nikara anīka banāī. janu ghērī amarāvati āī..
mahi bahu raṃga racita gaca kāomcā. jō bilōki munibara mana nācā.. [7-26-3]
dhavala dhāma ūpara nabha cuṃbata. kalasa manahu rabi sasi duti niṃdata..
bahu mani racita jharōkhā bhrājahiṃ. gṛha gṛha prati mani dīpa birājahiṃ.. [7-26-4]

All great sages like Nārada, Sanaka and others came to Ayodhyā everyday to have a sight of the Lord of Kosala, and forgot all their indifference to the world the moment they saw the city, with its attics built of gold and jewels and having splendid pavements laid in diverse colours. A most beautiful boundary wall with its battlements painted in different colours enclosed the city on all sides, as though the nine planets had mustered a large army and besieged Amarāvatī (Indra’s capital). The ground (the streets and squares etc.,) was so beautifully paved with crystals of various colours that the mind of the greatest Sages would be enraptured at the sight. The white palaces were so high as to reach the skies; their shining pinnacles put to shame as it were the effulgence of the sun and the moon. Latticed windows made of diverse precious stones shone here and there; while every house was lit up with jewels that served as lamps.


mani dīpa rājahiṃ bhavana bhrājahiṃ dēharīṃ bidruma racī.
mani khaṃbha bhīti biraṃci biracī kanaka mani marakata khacī..
suṃdara manōhara maṃdirāyata ajira rucira phaṭika racē.
prati dvāra dvāra kapāṭa puraṭa banāi bahu bajranhi khacē..

The mansions were illumined by jewels that served as so many lamps and had shining thresholds made of coral, pillars of jewels and walls of gold inlaid with emeralds, which were as lovely as though they had been built by the Creator (Brahmā) himself. Beautiful, charming and commodious as the palaces were, they had their courtyards inworked with crystal, and every gate thereof was provided with doors of gold embossed with diamonds.


cāru citrasālā gṛha gṛha prati likhē banāi.
rāma carita jē nirakha muni tē mana lēhiṃ cōrāi..27.. [7-27]

Every house equipped with a hall adorned with lovely frescos which had Śrī Rāma’s exploits reproduced in such beautiful colours that they would ravish the soul of a sage who looked at them.


sumana bāṭikā sabahiṃ lagāī. bibidha bhāomti kari jatana banāī..
latā lalita bahu jāti suhāī. phūlahiṃ sadā baṃsata ki nāī.. [7-27-1]
guṃjata madhukara mukhara manōhara. māruta tribidha sadā baha suṃdara..
nānā khaga bālakanhi jiāē. bōlata madhura uḍaāta suhāē.. [7-27-2]
mōra haṃsa sārasa pārāvata. bhavanani para sōbhā ati pāvata..
jahaom tahaom dēkhahiṃ nija parichāhīṃ. bahu bidhi kūjahiṃ nṛtya karāhīṃ.. [7-27-3]
suka sārikā paḍhaāvahiṃ bālaka. kahahu rāma raghupati janapālaka..
rāja duāra sakala bidhi cārū. bīthīṃ cauhaṭa rūcira bajārū.. [7-27-4]

Everyone had a flower garden planted in a characteristic design and trimmed with the greatest care, in which beautiful and lovely creepers of every variety blossomed all the year round as in the vernal season. Bees hummed in a pleasant strain and a delightful breeze breathed cool, soft and fragrant. Birds of all kinds, reared by the children, sang in melodious notes and looked graceful in their flight. Peacocks, swans, cranes and pigeons presented a most lovely sight on the houses, warbling and dancing in a variety of ways at the sight of their own shadow reflected everywhere (on the glossy surface of the roofs and balconies etc.). The children taught parrots and Mainās to repeat the words, “Rāma, Raghupati (the Lord of the Raghus), the Protector of His devotees.” The gates of the royal palace were magnificent in everyway; the streets, cross-roads and bazars were all splendid.


bājāra rucira na banai baranata bastu binu gatha pāiē.
jahaom bhūpa ramānivāsa tahaom kī saṃpadā kimi gāiē..
baiṭhē bajāja sarāpha banika anēka manahu kubēra tē.
saba sukhī saba saccarita suṃdara nāri nara sisu jaraṭha jē..

The bazars were splendid beyond description; things could be had without any consideration there. How can anyone describe the wealth of the city where the Abode of Lakṣmī Himself reigned as King? The cloth- merchants, bankers and other dealers sat at their shops like so many Kuberas (gods of riches). All men and women, children and aged folk alike were happy, all of good conduct and comely in appearance.


uttara disi sarajū baha nirmala jala gaṃbhīra.
bāomdhē ghāṭa manōhara svalpa paṃka nahiṃ tīra..28.. [7-28]

To the north (of the city) flowed the deep and limpid stream of the Sarayū with a line of charming Ghāṭas and no trace of mud at the bank.


dūri pharāka rucira sō ghāṭā. jahaom jala piahiṃ bāji gaja ṭhāṭā..
panighaṭa parama manōhara nānā. tahāom na puruṣa karahiṃ asnānā.. [7-28-1]
rājaghāṭa saba bidhi suṃdara bara. majjahiṃ tahāom barana cāriu nara..
tīra tīra dēvanha kē maṃdira. cahu disi tinha kē upabana suṃdara.. [7-28-2]
kahu kahu saritā tīra udāsī. basahiṃ gyāna rata muni saṃnyāsī..
tīra tīra tulasikā suhāī. bṛṃda bṛṃda bahu muninha lagāī.. [7-28-3]
pura sōbhā kachu barani na jāī. bāhēra nagara parama rucirāī..
dēkhata purī akhila agha bhāgā. bana upabana bāpikā taḍaāgā.. [7-28-4]

Apart from the other Ghāṭas and situated at some distance from them was the fine Ghata where multitudes of horses and elephants went to drink. There were numerous most charming Ghāṭas for women to take water from, where men did not bathe. The best of all and beautiful in everyway was the royal Ghata, where men of all the four castes could bathe. All along the bank stood temples sacred to the gods and surrounded by lovely groves. Here and there on the river bank dwelt sages and recluses unconcerned with the world and devoted to spiritual wisdom. All along the bank stood in clusters many a lovely Tulasī plant reared by hermits. The splendour of the city defied all description; its outskirts too were most picturesque. The very sight of the city with its groves and gardens, wells and ponds, drove away all one’s sins.


bāpīṃ taḍaāga anūpa kūpa manōharāyata sōhahīṃ.
sōpāna suṃdara nīra nirmala dēkhi sura muni mōhahīṃ..
bahu raṃga kaṃja anēka khaga kūjahiṃ madhupa guṃjārahīṃ.
ārāma ramya pikādi khaga rava janu pathika haṃkārahīṃ..

Its peerless ponds and tanks and charming and spacious wells looked so beautiful with their elegant flights of steps and transparent water that even gods and sages were fascinated by their sight. The lakes were adorned with many-coloured lotuses and resounded with the cooing of the numerous birds and the humming of the bees; and the delightful gardens seemed to invite the passers-by through the notes of the cuckoos and other birds.


ramānātha jahaom rājā sō pura barani ki jāi.
animādika sukha saṃpadā rahīṃ avadha saba chāi..29.. [7-29]

Is it ever possible to describe the city of which Rāma’s lord was the King ? Aṇimā (the power of assuming atomic size) and all other superhuman powers and even so joys and riches of every kind stayed in Ayodhyā forever.


jahaom tahaom nara raghupati guna gāvahiṃ. baiṭhi parasapara ihai sikhāvahiṃ..
bhajahu pranata pratipālaka rāmahi. sōbhā sīla rūpa guna dhāmahi.. [7-29-1]
jalaja bilōcana syāmala gātahi. palaka nayana iva sēvaka trātahi..
dhṛta sara rucira cāpa tūnīrahi. saṃta kaṃja bana rabi ranadhīrahi.. [7-29-2]
kāla karāla byāla khagarājahi. namata rāma akāma mamatā jahi..
lōbha mōha mṛgajūtha kirātahi. manasija kari hari jana sukhadātahi.. [7-29-3]
saṃsaya sōka nibiḍa tama bhānuhi. danuja gahana ghana dahana kṛsānuhi..
janakasutā samēta raghubīrahi. kasa na bhajahu bhaṃjana bhava bhīrahi.. [7-29-4]
bahu bāsanā masaka hima rāsihi. sadā ēkarasa aja abināsihi..
muni raṃjana bhaṃjana mahi bhārahi. tulasidāsa kē prabhuhi udārahi.. [7-29-5]

Everywhere men sang the praises of Śrī Rāma (the Lord of the Raghus), and even as they sat this is how they exhorted one another: “Worship Śrī Rāma, the Protector of the suppliant, the home of elegance, amiability, beauty and goodness, who has lotus-like eyes and swarthy limbs, who looks after His servants even as the eyelids guard the eyeballs, who is armed with a splendid bow, arrows and quiver and is staunch in battle, who delights the saints even as the sun brings joy to a bed of lotuses, who is a Garuḍa (the king of the birds) to devour the dreadful serpent in the shape of Death, who destroys the feeling of mineness the moment a person bows to Him in a disinterested spirit, and who is a hunter to kill the herd of deer in the shape of greed and infatuation, a lion to quell the elephant of concupiscence, the delight of His servants, a sun to scatter the thick darkness of doubt and sorrow, and a fire to consume the dense forest of the demon race. Oh, why should you not adore the Hero of Raghu’s line, who is ever accompanied by Janaka’s Daughter, who dispels the fear of transmigration, who plays the role of frost to destroy mosquitoes in the disguise of manifold latent desires, who is ever unchangeable, unborn and imperishable, the delight of the sages, the reliever of the earth’s burdens, the munificent lord of Tulasīdāsa.”


ēhi bidhi nagara nāri nara karahiṃ rāma guna gāna.
sānukūla saba para rahahiṃ saṃtata kṛpānidhāna..30.. [7-30]

In this way the men and women of the city sang Śrī Rāma’s praises and the Allmerciful was ever propitious to all.


jaba tē rāma pratāpa khagēsā. udita bhayau ati prabala dinēsā..
pūri prakāsa rahēu tihu lōkā. bahutēnha sukha bahutana mana sōkā.. [7-30-1]
jinhahi sōka tē kahau bakhānī. prathama abidyā nisā nasānī..
agha ulūka jahaom tahāom lukānē. kāma krōdha kairava sakucānē.. [7-30-2]
bibidha karma guna kāla subhāū. ē cakōra sukha lahahiṃ na kāū..
matsara māna mōha mada cōrā. inha kara hunara na kavanihu ōrā.. [7-30-3]
dharama taḍaāga gyāna bigyānā. ē paṃkaja bikasē bidhi nānā..
sukha saṃtōṣa birāga bibēkā. bigata sōka ē kōka anēkā.. [7-30-4]

From the time, O king of the birds, (continues Kākabhuśuṇḍi,) the most dazzling sun of Śrī Rāma’s glory appeared on the horizon the three spheres were all flooded with light, which brought delight to many and sorrow to many others . First I enumerate at length those to whom it caused sorrow. To begin with, the night of ignorance terminated; the owl-like sins hid themselves wherever they could; the white lily in the shape of lust and anger closed. Cakora birds in the shape of activities of various kinds, the phenomenal existence, Time and Nature never rejoiced; thieves like jealousy, pride, infatuation and arrogance had no occasion to display their skill in any quarter; lotuses of every description in the shape of knowledge and realization opened in the pond of piety. Happiness, contentment, dispassion and discernment, like so many Cakravāka birds, were rid of sorrow.


yaha pratāpa rabi jākēṃ ura jaba karai prakāsa.
pachilē bāḍhahiṃ prathama jē kahē tē pāvahiṃ nāsa..31.. [7-31]

When the sun of Śrī Rāma’s glory illumines the heart of an individual, the qualities enumerated in the end grow while those mentioned in the beginning die away.


bhrātanha sahita rāmu ēka bārā. saṃga parama priya pavanakumārā..
suṃdara upabana dēkhana gaē. saba taru kusumita pallava naē.. [7-31-1]
jāni samaya sanakādika āē. tēja puṃja guna sīla suhāē..
brahmānaṃda sadā layalīnā. dēkhata bālaka bahukālīnā.. [7-31-2]
rūpa dharēṃ janu cāriu bēdā. samadarasī muni bigata bibhēdā..
āsā basana byasana yaha tinhahīṃ. raghupati carita hōi tahaom sunahīṃ.. [7-31-3]
tahāom rahē sanakādi bhavānī. jahaom ghaṭasaṃbhava munibara gyānī..
rāma kathā munibara bahu baranī. gyāna jōni pāvaka jimi aranī.. [7-31-4]

One day, Śrī Rāma and his brothers, accompanied by His most favourite Hanumān, went to see a beautiful grove, where the trees were all blossoming and had put on fresh leaves. Finding it a good opportunity the sage Sanaka* and his three brothers (Sanandana, Sanātana and Sanatkumāra) arrived there. They were all embodiments of spiritual glow, adorned with amiability and other noble qualities and constantly absorbed in the ecstasy of union with Brahma; though infants to all appearance, they are aeons old. The sages looked upon all with the same eye and were above all diversity; it seemed as if the four Vedas had each assumed a bodily form. They had no covering on their body except the quarters; and their only hobby was to hear the recital of Śrī Rāma’s exploits wherever it was carried on. Sanaka and his brothers, O Bhavānī, (continues Lord Śiva,) had stayed in the hermitage of the enlightened sage Agastya and the noble sage had narrated to them many a story relating to Śrī Rāma, which are productive of wisdom in the same way as the friction of two pieces of wood produces fire.

  • * The sage Sanaka and his three brothers are the first progeny of Brahmā during the present creation, and therefore the eldest of all creation. They are perpetual celibates and are still living in the abode of Brahmā, their present age being computed at 1,95,00,00,000 odd years.


dēkhi rāma muni āvata haraṣi daṃḍavata kīnha.
svāgata pūomchi pīta paṭa prabhu baiṭhana kahaom dīnha..32.. [7-32]

Śrī Rāma saw the sages approaching and gladly prostrated Himself before them. And after an enquiry about their health etc., the Lord spread His own yellow scarf for them to squat on.


kīnha daṃḍavata tīniu bhāī. sahita pavanasuta sukha adhikāī..
muni raghupati chabi atula bilōkī. bhaē magana mana sakē na rōkī.. [7-32-1]
syāmala gāta sarōruha lōcana. suṃdaratā maṃdira bhava mōcana..
ēkaṭaka rahē nimēṣa na lāvahiṃ. prabhu kara jōrēṃ sīsa navāvahiṃ.. [7-32-2]
tinha kai dasā dēkhi raghubīrā. stravata nayana jala pulaka sarīrā..
kara gahi prabhu munibara baiṭhārē. parama manōhara bacana ucārē.. [7-32-3]
āju dhanya maiṃ sunahu munīsā. tumharēṃ darasa jāhiṃ agha khīsā..
baḍaē bhāga pāiba satasaṃgā. binahiṃ prayāsa hōhiṃ bhava bhaṃgā.. [7-32-4]

All His three brothers (Bharata, Lakṣmaṇa and Śatrughna) then prostrated themselves alongwith Hanumān and everyone felt very happy. The sages were beside themselves with rapture on beholding the incomparable beauty of Śrī Rāma (the Lord of the Raghus). They remained gazing with unwinking eyes on the Lord, who is the abode of comeliness and brings about release from worldly existence and has a swarthy form and lotus-eyes . The Lord in His turn bowed His head with joined palms. When the Hero of Raghu’s line perceived their condition, His eyes too streamed with tears and every hair on His body stood on its end. Taking them by the hand, the Lord seated them and addressed them in most charming words : “Listen, great sages: I am indeed blessed today. By your very sight all one’s sins are wiped out. By extreme good luck one is able to secure the company of saints; for through such communion the chain of births and deaths is broken without the least exertion.


saṃta saṃga apabarga kara kāmī bhava kara paṃtha.
kahahi saṃta kabi kōbida śruti purāna sadagraṃtha..33.. [7-33]

Communion with saints is the road to emancipation, while that of the sensualist paves the way for transmigration: so declare the saints themselves, the men of wisdom and the learned, as well as the Vedas, Purāṇas and other real scriptures.


suni prabhu bacana haraṣi muni cārī. pulakita tana astuti anusārī..
jaya bhagavaṃta anaṃta anāmaya. anagha anēka ēka karunāmaya.. [7-33-1]
jaya nirguna jaya jaya guna sāgara. sukha maṃdira suṃdara ati nāgara..
jaya iṃdirā ramana jaya bhūdhara. anupama aja anādi sōbhākara.. [7-33-2]
gyāna nidhāna amāna mānaprada. pāvana sujasa purāna bēda bada..
tagya kṛtagya agyatā bhaṃjana. nāma anēka anāma niraṃjana.. [7-33-3]
sarba sarbagata sarba urālaya. basasi sadā hama kahu paripālaya..
dvaṃda bipati bhava phaṃda bibhaṃjaya. hradi basi rāma kāma mada gaṃjaya.. [7-33-4]

The four sages were all rejoiced to hear the Lord’s words and with every hair on their body standing erect they proceeded to hymn His praises : “Glory to the Almighty Lord, who is infinite, immutable and sinless, who is one as well as many and allgracious ! Glory to the Lord who is beyond the modes of Prakṛti ! Glory, glory to the Ocean of goodness, the Abode of bliss, handsome and most urbane in manners. Glory to Indirā’s (Lakṣmī’s) Spouse ! Glory to the Supporter of the earth, peerless, unborn and dateless, a mine of elegance. A storehouse of wisdom that You are, You are free from pride and yet bestow honour on others : the Vedas and Purana’s sing Your sanctifying glory. Knower of Truth, You acknowledge the services of Your devotees and destroy their ignorance. Untainted by Māyā, You bear numberless names and are yet beyond all. You are manifest as all, pervade all and dwell in the heart of all; therefore, protect us every moment. Break asunder the bonds in the form of pairs of opposites (such as heat and cold, joy and sorrow, etc.,) adversity and mundane existence; and abiding in our heart, O Rāma, eradicate our sensuality and vanity.


paramānaṃda kṛpāyatana mana paripūrana kāma.
prēma bhagati anapāyanī dēhu hamahi śrīrāma..34.. [7-34]

You are supreme bliss personified and the abode of mercy and fulfil the desire of Your devotees’ heart. Pray, grant me the boon of unceasing love and devotion (to Your feet), O graceful Rāma.”


dēhu bhagati raghupati ati pāvani. tribidha tāpa bhava dāpa nasāvani..
pranata kāma suradhēnu kalapataru. hōi prasanna dījai prabhu yaha baru.. [7-34-1]
bhava bāridhi kuṃbhaja raghunāyaka. sēvata sulabha sakala sukha dāyaka..
mana saṃbhava dāruna dukha dāraya. dīnabaṃdhu samatā bistāraya.. [7-34-2]
āsa trāsa iriṣādi nivāraka. binaya bibēka birati bistāraka..
bhūpa mauli mana maṃḍana dharanī. dēhi bhagati saṃsṛti sari taranī.. [7-34-3]
muni mana mānasa haṃsa niraṃtara. carana kamala baṃdita aja saṃkara..
raghukula kētu sētu śruti racchaka. kāla karama subhāu guna bhacchaka.. [7-34-4]
tārana tarana harana saba dūṣana. tulasidāsa prabhu tribhuvana bhūṣana.. [7-34-5]

“Bestow on us, O Lord of the Raghus, that most sanctifying devotion which destroys the threefold agony and the turmoils of transmigration. A celestial cow and a wish-yielding tree to satisfy the desires of the suppliant, be propitious, my lord, and grant this boon. A veritable jar-born sage (Agastya) to suck up the ocean of mundane existence, O Chief of the Raghus, You are easy of access to those who adore You and bestow all blessings on them. Put an end to the terrible sufferings caused by the mind and diffuse even-mindedness in us, O befriender of the meek. O banisher of hope (of gratifying oneself through self-indulgence), fear, jealousy etc., and propagator of humility, right judgment and dispassion, crest-jewel of earthly kings, and ornament of the globe, grant us devotion to Your feet, which serves as a boat to take one across the river of mundane existence. A swan that You are, constantly residing in the Mānasa lake of the sages’ mind, Your lotus feet are adored even by Brahma and Lord Śaṅkara. Glory of Raghu’s race, custodian of the Vedic laws, devourer of time, destiny, Prakṛti (Primordial Nature) and the three Guṇas You are both the boatman and the boat to take Your devotees across the ocean of metempsychosis and the stealer of all vices, the lord of Tulasīdāsa, the jewel of the three spheres.”


bāra bāra astuti kari prēma sahita siru nāi.
brahma bhavana sanakādi gē ati abhīṣṭa bara pāi..35.. [7-35]

Having thus extolled the Lord again and again, Sanaka and his three brothers lovingly bowed their head and, having obtained their most cherished boon, returned to Brahmā’s abode.


sanakādika bidhi lōka sidhāē. bhrātanha rāma carana siru nāē..
pūchata prabhuhi sakala sakucāhīṃ. citavahiṃ saba mārutasuta pāhīṃ.. [7-35-1]
suni cahahiṃ prabhu mukha kai bānī. jō suni hōi sakala bhrama hānī..
aṃtarajāmī prabhu sabha jānā. būjhata kahahu kāha hanumānā.. [7-35-2]
jōri pāni kaha taba hanumaṃtā. sunahu dīnadayāla bhagavaṃtā..
nātha bharata kachu pūomchana cahahīṃ. prasna karata mana sakucata ahahīṃ.. [7-35-3]
tumha jānahu kapi mōra subhāū. bharatahi mōhi kachu aṃtara kāū..
suni prabhu bacana bharata gahē caranā. sunahu nātha pranatārati haranā.. [7-35-4]

When Sanaka and his brothers had left for Brahmā’s abode, the three brothers (Bharata, Lakṣmaṇa and Śatrughna) bowed their head at Śrī Rāma’s feet; but being too modest themselves to interrogate the Lord, they all looked at the son of the wind-god. They wished to hear from the Lord’s own mouth something which would eradicate all the misconceptions. The Lord, however, who regulates the internal feelings of all, came to know everything and enquired : “Tell me, Hanumān, what is the matter?” Hanumān replied with joined palms, “Listen, O lord, compassionate as You are to the meek. Bharata, my lord, wishes to ask something; but he is too diffident at heart to put the question.” “Hanumān, you know my disposition. Has there ever been any secrecy between Bharata and myself?” On hearing the Lord’s words Bharata clasped His feet.